New Laptops for our Students
For most of our students, going to university is an absolute hoop dream. Once they find themselves there, however, they often do not have what they need to succeed in their new, challenging environment. Specifically, they lack regular access to computers, and often wifi.
Most of our students travel a minimum of one hour each way by bus to school and often have to complete their homework on their cell phones (a grindingly slow process in many cases). Additionally, universities in Panama do not have well-stocked computer labs and libraries, and if they are, one must pay to utilize them.
All of these challenges considered, at the beginning of this year we decided to purchase five laptops for our students! Through tears in some cases, our students expressed their thanks for this game-changing resource. We, in turn, must thank Northwest Community Church for their generous donation to cover the full cost of this project. THANK YOU dear brothers and sisters at Northwest Community Church for your sacrifice- you are changing lives!!!
We are in the process of accepting new students. Please let us know if you have an interest in adopting a student and changing a life forever!