We are pleased to announce the addition of three new students for the 2018 school year! The academic year in Panama begins in March and extends through December. We are unbelievably excited to give Kenia, Evelyn, and Zayaris the opportunity to end the cycle of poverty for their families by attending university and gaining valuable English and leadership skills.
Just a quick story about one of our three new students. Zayaris is the daughter of a subsistence farmer in a rural community outside of El Valle (a rural community itself). Her parents sacrificed a great deal to get her to high school every day in El Valle, the closest high school to their village (a 3 hour walk). Through literal torrential rains and multiple river crossings each way, Zayaris not only earned excellent grades, but she came early to school every day to attend a voluntary English class. Despite not having any glimmer of hope of attending university, Zayaris was dedicated to working hard and having personal integrity throughout her high school career. Now we have the honor of opening another door for her to succeed. When asked what she might want to study in college, without missing a beat she responded that it was her dream to study engineering and work on the Panama Canal. She is currently attending Universidad del Istmo and studying engineering in Panama City!
We are proud of her and all of our students for their dedication and hard work!